Selasa, 12 April 2011

Shirley MacLaine

Screen legend Shirley MacLaine has caused a lot of nervous laughter in the "Oprah" yesterday when she talked about her sex life, the location of the marriage of a unified theory in 2012 and a new book, "I do all that. " In other words, Shirley MacLaine still got it. She told Oprah, "I had a very large number of fans, [insert nervous laughter here], and then added:" and many fans fear. "I think the entire cast of "Steel Magnolias, " Boudreaux OUIS included, would have been shocked by this recognition.

Although honesty Oscar winner was not as shocking as, for example, the latest news del Toro child-Stewart, he certainly refreshing. 76-year-old spoke candidly about his open marriage 30 years with her husband, Steve Parker, invited us all to hurry up and our life together until 2012 and said she did not like jokes about it if it was not funny. "Is not it good to be alive to a joke?" she says with the wisdom of the Buddha, and so on.

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