Kamis, 15 Mei 2008

TOTALLY off topic!

If your one of these people that believes in global warming or one of these people that believes the men and women in Iraq died for nothing then I encourage you to research and understand the concept of "peak oil".

Peak oil is a real problem and issue, an issue that probably 99 out of 100 people have never heard of, a problem that most likely will impact your life far more than you realize today.

Just briefly, peak oil was an idea first put forward back in the 1970's when an executive with Shell predicted that the US had reached it's peak oil production within the US, his idea proved correct in around 1973 when US oil production peaked.

The idea/theory goes further than around 2010-2012 the world will also hit peak oil. So when you moan and groan and it cost you 50, 60, 100 dollars to fill your tank - stop and think what it may be in the near future. Goldman Sachs recently announced they believe oil may hit 200 dollars a barrell in the next 24 months. This would most likely mean you spend in excess of $8/per gallon at the pump.

The ramifications are far worse than you might imagine, when peak oil occurs, you will most likely see country's fight over what oil remains. China and the US are filling their strategic reserves to capacity now for a reason.

Realize too that the old Soviet Union fell largely because Reagan convined the Saudi's to flood the the market with oil - so what happened - to keep its countrys revenue up the russians were forced to sell oil at far less than they had been recieving effectively bankrupting the country.

This illustrates the power of oil.

And don't think that the untapped reserves in Alaska will save us either. Alaska has about 10 billion barrells - about what the US consumes in one year. And from the day we started drilling in Alaska it would take 10 years to bring the oil to market at a meaningful capacity.

So the next time you bemoan Bush and Cheney and the lives lost in Iraq, realize just how important the assets in Iraq are in time of nearing peak oil.

I encourage everyone to learn more about peak oil.

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