Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

The true story of LITTLE SUSIE ( MJ SONG "little susie"

Little SUsie's Sad Story:
Once upon a time not too long ago there lived a little girl named Susie. She was like the child any parrent would dream of, smart, sweet, and adorable. She did everything for her family but nobody loved her. Her mother was a drug dealer and her father was in a mental instituation. her older sister Anna was the only one who took care of her. Anna was the mother Susie never had and loved Susie like a daughter rather than a sister. But one day Anna was walking to the market and was hit by a truck and dies soon after in the nearby hospital. Susie cried and didn't know who would take care of her now. She starved for days and never once got to leave the cold dark house. Finally her mother died of an overdose of drugs and Susie was sent to the mountains to live with her grandfather. her grandfather raped and abused her for two whole years. One day he got drunk and left the house leaving Susie to fend for herself. She went upstairs to listen to her musicbox. Someone broke into the house to steel all of their money and vicously attacked poor Susie. When the police came to investigate, all the money was gone and Susie lie on the bottam step of the staircase, eyes roled back and blood drenching her hair, dead. After only a quick look, the men pushed Susie's body aside and continued the investigation. Her body was burned to ashes and those ashes were given to her grandfather. but only a week later he lost interest in them and dumped them into the river. They say to this day if you call Susie's name, and listen hard enough, you can still hear her sad and innocent cries calling out for a help that never came.

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