Kamis, 24 April 2008

On the BERT show.......

One of the Bert Shows interns is a single mother of two sets of young twins, in other words four kids. One set she had in wedlock. The other set out of wedlock. She is younger but I dont know her age, if I guessed mid to late twenties. Both baby's daddys are not in the picture.

First, let me address the obvious and get it out of the way, yes, the men are scum for leaving their kids.

So here is where it gets interesting/complicated. The girl's mom offered to take the kids for a year so she could get her career started and get her life together. The girl intially refused but has now accepted. Three other notes as you from your judgement. The mom is sick. the mom lives about 2-3 hours away. The mom is getting remarried to a former marine who supports the move.

A lot of Bert show callers totally bashed her and said no way should she ever leave her kids or pawn them off on someone else, in their words, "She just needed to make it work".

Ok, so, like I say I don't want to talk about the men, or the fact that she had kids out of wedlock or any of that, I want to only talk about what she should do now. I think we all would agree the men are scum and she never should have had kids out of wedlock.

Ok, so, I have to go against the callers. One, the mom wants to take the kids. The daughter did not ask her to do it. I think the mom is sick and wants to try and help the daughter get her life together before she passes away. I think that is highly admirable.

I think this family's best bet is in fact for the daughter to get her career going. She can either get it going and hopefully get in a position where she is earning good money 50/60K or more so that she can realistically provide for these kids or she is going to be working minimum wage jobs and never see the kids because she is working muliple low paying jobs.

I think as long as it understood that the daughter needs only FOCUS on the career and working the next year to save money, I think it could set the family up for success down the road. And I mean NO dating, no going out, only working even if it is night and day and weekends whatever.

What do ya'll think?

The reality is if she doesn't pull it togther its very likely that these kids will continue the trend and most likely end up undereducated and very possible pregnant or get someone pregnant. If the daughter doesn't pull it together the cycle will continue into another generation.

I hope the daughter pulls it off.

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