Senin, 28 April 2008

SPENCER Pratt and Heidi MONTAG swear an LC and WAHLER sex tape exists!

The Hills star does have a sex tape, says Spencer and Heidi...

Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag of The Hills appeared on The Tyra Banks Show yesterday and stated that a sex tape featuring Lauren Conrad and her ex-boyfriend Jason Whaler does exist."I know for 100% fact it did exist – 1000%!," Spencer exclaims with vigor."From what I have heard from confirmed sources… her ex-boyfriend was going around trying to sell it," added Heidi.

Couple things, one, I do believe there is a sex tape. No one gets that mad over someone putting out a false rumor. Lc should just have admitted there was one and moved on. All of that said, its like shut up already Spencer and Heidi, your 15 minutes is up.

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