Selasa, 15 Juli 2008

Khloe KARDASHIAN is a DRUNK and a MESS and I hope she spends all 30 DAYS in JAIL!

So Khloe Kardashian got busted for a DUI about a year ago which is bad enough. But then she didn't do the community service which included picking up trash and the AA meetings. So now she's going to jail. So Kris Jenner her mom just called into Seacrest and bemoaned drinking and driving and how bad Khloe feels - well Kris get an f-ing clue - she drove drunk and then didn't feel bad enough to fufill her sentence. I am so SICK of the f-ing celebs! I hope this lazy BITCH has to spend the full 30 days in jail for breaking her parole. But what would you expect, these are the same screw ups that raised another lazy piece of SH*T - Brody JENNER! I hope the cops tase this screw up!

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