Senin, 21 Juli 2008


I found this on a site about Aquarius's:

Problem: Being left all alone while others enjoy the companionship you long for.

Solution: You should practice expressing your humanity by accepting people the way they are and not find too much fault in them.

She did get all whacky when Heidi left.

Problem: You always seem to miss the boat when it comes to love.

Solution: Try letting down the mental guard that you keep on your emotions that stops you from being the self you long to be.

She does seem to miss the boat doesn't she?

Problem: You always seem to miss out on the better jobs or big promotions at work.

Solution: Learn to use your positive side in teamwork and group effort, the lone wolf approach will get you nowhere.

Poor LC, Whitney was promoted over her.

Problem: You seem to become physically ill more than you should.

Solution: By repressing your emotions you drive the unrest deep inside where it can cost you in terms of health. Express your feelings but do it with tact.

I don't remember LC getting sick.

I thought this was pretty interesting and its a Monday and lets be real, we're bored.

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