Rabu, 25 Juni 2008


In a mediabistro.com interview today, People's Revolution chief and Whitney Port's boss Kelly Cutrone accomplishes what the New Yorker and the the New York Times have thus far been unable to do: Offer an intelligent explanation as to why people watch The Hills.
Talking about her inability to keep her six-year-old daughter off the Disney princess crap, Cutrone says the Hills are the next progression after princesses, Miley Cyrus, and High School Musical. "Their next installation is, guess what, The Hills. And they're just old enough to start watching MTV, they're hormonally in place, and they see these four young, beautiful girls who really in my mind are a continuation of a Disney princess, because they live in a world that most people will never live in."
She also offers her thoughts on why adults watch the show (we bow our heads in shame). Says Cutrone: "You pick up the extra market of people who do live in that world who want to see themselves reflected back, like the fashion and entertainment people who kind of watch it like it's something like they can't really believe that they're watching, but they are watching and they're enthralled because they can't believe they're watching what they're watching but they're also narcissistic because they see their own world reflected back to them." Yes, heavy.
Then there's the Lauren Conrad stuff, how she got her act together from the time at the 2006 Los Angeles Fashion Week when Conrad "didn't move fast enough" to Cutrone hiring her a year and a half later. In all, it's something worth checking out. At the very least, it's helped grow our current crush on the Hills' newest star.

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