Rabu, 18 Juni 2008

LAUREN CONRAD needs to WATCH the road and NOT hit PEOPLE while BLACKBERRYING!!

Lauren Conrad talked to NYLON Magazine about her accessory line and the specific accessories that she loves. She made her accessories in collaboration with mark and it features a lot of cute headbands, bangles, necklaces. Read some of the tidbits from the interview:
On working with marc and Avon:
"It's this amazing company run by women... even my little sister, Brianna, sells the makeup to her friends... but she almost won the top salesgirl prize, and the prize was a dinner with me! She was so pissed when she found out. She was like, Lauren, you are so lame."
On her LA fashion show:
"I cried as soon as I got backstage."
On her accessories issues:"My big problem is gloves. I bought all these swing coats for when I travel, and they're great but your arms get really cold! So I designed long gloves to take care of that."
On being a bad driver:"I can't talk on a Blackberry and drive at the same time. That was my last accident... I was doing my Blackberry and I hit someone. Oops."
On hats:
"I love berets, so I designed some for mark. I wanted to pack them for Paris, but it was too cliche. Like, the American girl in Paris with her hats."

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