Selasa, 17 Juni 2008

YO Spencer - And Spence for ONCE gives good advice!

My friends and I never spent much time talking about politics before this election. They're all liberal, and, since we hadn't really discussed it, they assume that I am too. I'm not—I'm a Republican. I've let them think I'm a Democrat for so long, it feels weird to correct them now. Should I say something?

If you want relationships with your friends to stay normal, be cautious about talking religion or politics. I don't ever get into that shit with people—fuck that. I'll talk about sports or movies. Keep it to yourself or you're gonna piss off everyone. If you really strongly believe these points and they don't accept you, then maybe you're not supposed to be friends. Join up your local young Republican club, 'cause your clique ain't your clique.

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