Jumat, 20 Juni 2008

Lauren CONRAD teams with MARK cosmetics to prevent PARTNER violence, she KNOWS about that having been with JASON WAHLER!

NEW YORK, June 20 /PRNewswire/ -- mark, the beauty and fashion boutiquebrand of Avon Products, Inc. announced today that the company will launchtheir first-ever philanthropic campaign -- m.powerment by mark -- a campaignthat is dedicated to empowering young women to make their mark in the world. For m.powerment by mark's first initiative launch, mark has partnered withLauren Conrad, the brand's spokesperson and star of the hit reality show "TheHills" to create the Girls m.powerment Campaign, a campaign committed topreventing the cycle of dating abuse and partner violence."The m.powerment by mark campaign will offer young women the opportunityto become leaders in advancing their own self empowerment and inspire them toreach their greatest potential," said Claudia Poccia, Global President, markand Avon Strategic Alliances, "We are thrilled to be partnering with LaurenConrad, who is such a powerful role model to young women for the launch of ourfirst initiative, the Girls m.powerment campaign. Together we are committed toeducating young women about dating abuse and preventing partner violencebefore it even begins.""It is a privilege for me to be partnering with mark on the Girlsm.powerment Campaign," says Lauren Conrad. "Young women between the ages of 16to 24 experience the highest rates of intimate partner violence. As atwenty-two year old, this statistic made me realize how important it is to letgirls my age, know that they can be empowered to prevent this from happeningin their lives."As the spokesperson for the campaign, Lauren Conrad will serve as thefirst Honorary Co-Chair of the m.powerment Expert Advisory Board along withClaudia Poccia, Global President, mark and Avon Strategic Alliances. Thiscommittee will select and recommend up to five outstanding organizations thatare working to end dating and relationship abuse to receive grants of up to$50,000. This program is in partnership with the Avon Foundation, a 501(c) (3)public charity that is the largest corporate foundation for women with morethan $580 million raised worldwide for breast cancer, domestic violence andemergency disaster relief. Through 2007, more than $6 million has been awardedto over 400 domestic violence organizations across America.Also as part of the initiative, Conrad has collaborated with mark tocreate the "Have a Heart" necklace from which 100% of the net profits will bedonated to help raise funds and awareness for the cause. The necklace willretail for $22* and will be available from September 16th, 2008 . April 28th,2009 through mark Representatives and online at www.meetmark.com. Lauren willalso take part in a public service campaign to get the message out to youngwomen everywhere.*$19.80 will be donated to the cause from the sale of each necklace.

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